Tonight, or shall I say this morning, to make myself busy while I wait for my sleepy self, I read my 2 old blogs. It was an experience I did not expect. I saw a different me that I have almost forgotten. The one who nursed a bad heartbreak, moved on, seized the day and the world, had the best year ever, found her new self, transitioned to new chapters, got tired, got lonely, found answers, got busy, met new people, reflected and realized lessons, started new things, enjoyed company of great friends, and continued to grow up (not physically, of course!).
There was an entry I wrote where I told myself it might not make sense now, but may make sense in the future. Indeed, it does now! There were a few entries that made me ask, 'did I really write this stuff?'. There was a couple of entries where I wrote some stuff that I wanted to read again in the future to be reminded of some important realizations. There were entries with questions or uncertainty to which I have already found the answers. I have grown up.
I looked for those old blogs because I planned to delete them already, now that I have this new blog. But after reading all the entries, I realized they're worth keeping. Some stories are worth reminiscing; lessons worth learning over again; experiences worth reliving.
Kaya, sa mga friendships, I encourage you to read those old entries again. Kakaiba!
Subukan ko na matulog. :)
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