Mother Nature needs saving. When I was younger, being environment-friendly was more like a preferrence, the better choice. Now it's a necessity, the only choice. At least that's how it was for me. The reality about the environment has finally sunk in. Before, I was just mindful about using plastic bags and trying to reuse stuff. Now, I commit myself to living an eco-friendly lifestyle. You know, the serious stuff. Uhm, well, as serious as I can get. I'm not ready to walk my way to the office to reduce my carbon footprint. =) Today, I started using kacha bag for my groceries to reduce plastic consumption. Mga ka-berks, subukan nyo rin. Try with one habit muna. Here are some suggestions.
1. Use reusable kacha bags instead of plastic ones.
2. Bring your own reusable utensils to reduce the use of plastic spoons/forks and styrofoam containers.
3. Rarely throw away plastic bags. Use and reuse as long as you can.
4. Wash wisely. The fewer dishes to wash and the less frequent we wash, the smaller the amount of detergent we use.
5. The next time you go shopping, choose products and suppliers that care for the environment.
6.Reduce paper consumption. At work, use Outlook and OneNote to keep all your notes. (It's a good time and task management system as well.) Print preview before printing.
7. Get informed. Read about global warming, climate change, CO2 emissions, and related topics. Spread the word. Start and share the habits.
Simple lang di ba? It's actually the small habits in our lifestyle that, collectively, damage our environment. Let's start!